12 Signs That Your Partner Is Madly in Love With You


The scariest part about being in love is not knowing whether your partner loves you as much as you do them. Reading relationship signals is tough, and you continuously wonder if your emotions are crowding your brain. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together.

Sometimes, you need the reassurance that both of you are reading from the same script. Yes, you know they love you but are they still in love with you? Do you still elicit the emotions from when the love was new? Are you ever on their mind? It’s okay to want to know, and no, you are not crazy!

The following signs should show you that your partner still loves you and is not going anywhere:

12. They are not afraid of some PDA even in public


If your partner does not want you to touch them in public and you do, then you start questioning how important the relationship is to them. Many studies have linked physical affection and holding hands to healthy outcomes. Even mild public displays of affection can lower your blood pressure and heart rate. If your partner is always trying to hug, kiss, touch, caress and snuggle, then your relationship is deep and warm-hearted.

What makes you know if your partner loves you? Share your personal stories with us in the comment section.

11. They value your opinion


We want someone who can accept when they are wrong and take advice when given. A person who turns violent when caught on the wrong, or who thinks you have nothing worthwhile, in terms of advice should scare you. A loving partner understands the value of listening, accepting when they are wrong and changing for the better.

10. They are with you even during hard times


Relationships have ugly moments, and your partner should be ready to be with you even during such times. They should eagerly attend to you when sick, support you when you lose your job, find time to be with you when you experience loss and love you no matter what the situation.

9. They are proud to be with you


If it’s been some time since the relationship started and you haven’t met their friends and family, then you are walking on shaky ground. A partner who loves you will not shy away from telling the world that they love you. They will introduce you to the most important people in their lives even on social media, talk about you always, and share the big and small moments with you.

8. They like having conversations with you


Yes, you can have quiet moments with them, but no oppressive silence. Your partner chooses to talk about issues, instead of using silence as punishment. Even when you encounter problems in the relationship, you talk through matters honestly and try to understand each other in the process.

7. They are with you through the dull times


As a couple, there will be things the other will not understand. However, if your partner is up for trying to understand by taking an active part in these activities, then you have a winner. A loving partner will try and get involved. They will have a sincere interest in participating in activities you enjoy.

6. They change habits for you


When around you, they are the best version of themselves. They want to ensure that you are comfortable, and they can adjust their schedules to spend more time with you. Like reducing time with the boys to make time for date nights or trying their best to ensure a clean home.

5. You regularly receive surprise gifts and lovely notes


Does your partner go beyond the anniversaries and valentine days? The care and unexpected acts of kindness are what add value to the relationship. Little love notes in your shoes, chocolate deliveries to your office, surprise dinners and other things that melt your heart every time. They show that your partner loves you and is not afraid to demonstrate it every day.

4. They want to try new things with you


When you start dating, you share dislikes and preferences. It becomes harder to adopt someone else’s hobbies when we start getting old. However, a loving partner will want to be part of those activities that mean much to you. They will want to try things out with you, and this will strengthen the relationship. They will make time to spend with you despite their busy schedules.

3. They don’t overprotect their phone.


A partner who guards their phone like a vulture denotes hiding something. The so many passwords and the fact that they can’t leave their phone unattended is a recipe for disaster. The behavior is not a good relationship foundation, and it’s hard to trust a partner like that. They can have passwords to their phone, but if they behave naturally with their phone when you are around, then you don’t need to worry. It shows that they are sincere and trustworthy.

2. You get voice messages from them


A partner who loves you will call to find out how your day is going. Even if you are miles apart, technology and high-speed internet provide numerous ways for you two to keep in touch. They will skype, chat, call or message you. The beautiful love messages will quash your fears. They still love you, and they are not afraid to say it, even over a machine.

1. They share their food


Proceedings of the Royal Society B conducted a scientific study that sharing food releases oxytocin, a hormone the body uses for parent-offspring bonding. The hormone facilitates non-kin bonds too. By sharing food, the levels of oxytocin increase, and this plays a huge role in social bonding.

Even though we were to forget science for a minute, not many people love sharing their food. Some will also feel weird about feeding their partner. If your partner publicly lets you take a bite of their food and eats yours in the process, then their heart is in the right place.


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